Journal Information
Original articles
External validation of the "HOSPITAL simplified" scale as a predictor of 30-day readmission after hospitalisation in OSI Araba Medical Services
N. García-Perotti, S. García de Garayo-Díaz, J. Regalado-De Los Cobos
Rev Clin Esp. 2025;225:117-24
Diabetic foot infections in Internal Medicine services in Spain (2018–2022)
C. Fuentes Santos, J.A. Rueda Camino, Á. Asenjo Mota, A. Castaneda Pastor, A. Zapatero Gaviria, J. Canora Lebrato, R. Barba-Martín
Rev Clin Esp. 2025;225:125-30
Analysis of clinical features and prognosis in cardiac amyloidosis patients from Spanish hospitals (2016–2021)
A. Esteban-Fernández, M. Anguita-Sánchez, N. Rosillo, J.L. Bonilla-Palomas, J.L. Bernal Sobrino, N. Del Prado, C. Fernández Pérez, L. Rodríguez Padial, F.J. Elola Somoza
Rev Clin Esp. 2025;225:131-9
Hospital discharges (MBDS) from Takotsubo syndrome in Spain. Regional differences (2008–2021)
N. Rosillo, N. del Prado, P. Pérez, J.L. Bernal, I. Núñez-Gil, Á. Gamarra, L. Vilches, J. Salamanca, ... F. Alfonso
Rev Clin Esp. 2025;225:140-7
Consensus document
Position statement on the use of point-of-care ultrasound in heart failure: recommendations from the Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation, and Clinical Ultrasound Working Groups of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI)
Y. Tung-Chen, M. Beltrán Robles, J. Rubio Gracia, G. García de Casasola Sánchez, P. Llàcer Iborra, S. García Rubio, M. Méndez Bailón, E. Montero Hernández, ... J. Pérez Silvestre
Rev Clin Esp. 2025;225:148-56
Clinical presentation of pheochromocytoma and screening recommendations
O.F. Arroyo Ripoll, E. Achote, M. Araujo-Castro
Rev Clin Esp. 2025;225:157-67
Special article
Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism. Recommendations of the Thromboembolic Disease Group of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine 2024
M.A. Fidalgo Fernández, O. Madridano Cobo, C. Sánchez del Hoyo, A. Rodríguez Iglesias, N. Muñoz-Rivas, M. Martín Asenjo
Rev Clin Esp. 2025;225:168-75
The difficult relationship between research and clinical practice: a survey of Spanish internists
J.C. Trullàs, A. Maestre
Rev Clin Esp. 2025;225:176-7
Alkaptonuria. Description of 2 cases of a rare entity
A. Rosales-Castillo, A. Bustos-Merlo, J. Escobar Sevilla
Rev Clin Esp. 2025;225:177-8