Es escasa la información de estudios cardiovasculares longitudinales. En hipertensos (HTA) y/o hipercolesterolémicos (HCL) españoles, con mal control inicial de la presión arterial (PA) y/o del colesterol total (CT) se cuantifica la tasa de incidencia (TI), la incidencia acumulada (IA), los riesgos relativos (RR), las curvas de supervivencia (CS), el cumplimiento terapéutico (CU) y se ajusta la escala de Framingham-Anderson (FA) a nuestro entorno.
Pacientes y métodosSe analizaron 6.893 HTA y/o HCL en prevención primaria que aportaron un promedio de 1,22 años de seguimiento. Participaron 480 médicos. Se calcularon: la TI, IA y los RR; el método de Kaplan-Meier para la CS; Haynes-Sackett adaptado para el CU; el ajuste de FA por la recta de los mínimos cuadrados, coeficiente de correlación de Pearson (r) e intraclase (cci).
ResultadosLa IA fue 1,59% (1,31-1,90); la TI de 1.321, 6 eventos cardiovasculares por 100.000 pacientes/año (1.026,6-1.598,8). Los RR significativos fueron: edad (p=0,03), PA final (p=0,02), antecedentes coronarios (p=0,00), hipertrofia ventricular izquierda (HVI) (p=0,00), microalbuminuria (p=0,02), CT=250mg/dl al inicio (p=0,01), glucemia basal (Gb)≥126mg/dl al inicio (p=0,00), creatinina≥1,2mg/dl al inicio (p=0,00) y final (p =0,00), y no CU en HCL (p=0,00). Las CS realizadas por antecedentes de HTA y/o HCL, existencia o no de Gb≥126mg/dl, existencia o no de lesión de órganos diana, y tener o no riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) alto con FA, fueron significativas (p<0,05). El ajuste del FA para RCV global fue: (0,415 × Riesgo FA%) + 0,517%, obtuvo una r=0,9962 (p=0,00) y un cci=0,9969 (p<0,0001).
ConclusionesSe ajustó la ecuación FA en nuestros pacientes, con datos propios. Se cuantificaron los factores pronósticos y CS. Se cuantificó un beneficio entre CU y disminución de RCV en HCL.
There is little information on cardiovascular longitudinal studies. In Spanish patients with hypertension (AHT)) and/or hypercholesterolemia (HC), with poor initial control of blood pressure (BP) and/or total cholesterol (TC), incidence rate (IR), cumulative incidence (CI), relative risks (RR), survival curves (SC), therapeutic compliance (TC) were quantified and the Framingham-Anderson scale (FAS) was adjusted to our patients.
Patients and MethodsA total of 6,893 primary prevention patients with AHT and/or with HC were included in primary prevention, with an average of 1.22 years of follow-up. A total of 480 physicians participated. Incidence rate (IR), cumulative incidence (CIN), relative risks (RR), survival curves (SC) by Kaplan-Meier method, and therapeutic compliance (TCOM) by Haynes-Sackett self-reported questionnaire were calculated. The Framingham-Anderson scale (FAS) was validated with Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) and intraclass correlation index (ICI).
ResultsCIN was 1.59% (1.31-1.90); the IR 1,321.6 cardiovascular events/ 100,000 patients/year (1,026.6-1,598.8). RRs with statistical significance were: age (p=0.03). Blood pressure at the end of the study (p=0.02), coronary background (p=0.00), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (p=0.00), microalbuminuria (p=0.02), CT≥250mg/dl (p=0.01), fasting glycemia (Gb)≥126mg/dl (p=0.00), creatinine≥1.2mg/dl at the beginning (p=0.00) and at the end of the study (p=0.00), and poor compliance in HC patients (p=0.00). SC have statistical significance (p<0.05) for AHT background, fasting glucose≥126mg/dl, target organ damage, and high cardiovascular risk with FAS scale. The adjusted FAS formula for global cardiovascular risk was (0.415 x FAS Risk%) + 0.517%, r=0.9962 (p=0.00) and ICI=0.9969 (p<0.0001).
ConclusionsThe equation for the FAS scale was adjusted for Spanish AHT/HC patients. Prognostic factors and SC were calculated. Benefitbetween TC and decrease of CVR in HC patients was quantified.
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