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Vol. 204. Núm. 1.
Páginas 18-24 (enero 2004)
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Vol. 204. Núm. 1.
Páginas 18-24 (enero 2004)
Perfil de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, en la Atención Primaria española
Pathological characteristics of patients with diabetes mellitus tipe 2, in Spanish Primary Care
P. Benito Lópeza, R. García Mayorb, M. Puig Domingoc, J. Mesa Mantecad, L F. Pallardo Sáncheze, E. Faure Noguerasf, R. Ravella Mateug, M. Artés Ferragudh, J. Salvador Lópezh
a Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Córdoba.
b Hospital Xeral-Cies. Vigo (Pontevedra).
c Hospital de Mataró.
d Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron. Barcelona.
e Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid.
f Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa. Zaragoza.
g Departamento Médico. Sanofi-Synthelabo. Barcelona.
h Pharma Consult Services, S. A. Barcelona.
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Tablas (5)
TABLA 1. Obesidad y antigüedad del diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2
TABLA 2. Tratamiento antidiabético previo
TABLA 3. Analítica plasmática basal y perfil capilar de glucemia en todos los pacientes
TABLA 4. Datos analíticos y perfil de glucemia según el tiempo transcurrido desde el diagnóstico
Fig. 1. Relación entre las variables del estudio (análisis de correspondencias múltiples).
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Context. To know the characteristics, related risk factors, and degree of control in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) in our country. Methods. Observational, unrandom, opened, and multicenter study. Anthropometric characteristics, substance abuse, medication, control of diabetes, cholesterol, and triglycerides were analyzed in 5,395 patients. The patients were classified according to the length of the diagnosis: recent diabetes (RD) and known diabetes (KD). The chi-square test was utilized in order to compare the categorical variables, and the Student's «t» test for compare the continuous variables. The relationship between these variables was analyzed through the Pearson's correlation coefficient, and an analysis of multiple correspondence was carried out. Results. Median age, 63 years; obese, 34%; smokers, 11%; drinkers, 24%; hypertensives, 44%; lipemic, 42%. Control degree: HbA1c > 6.5% in 79%, LDLc > 115 mg/dl in 80%. Hypoglycemic treatment: sulfonylureas, 62.8%; antidiabetics combination, 5%; only insulin, 4.3%; insulin combined with antidiabetics, 20.6%. Control of diabetics, of lipids, and of weight was lower in the patients with KD that in the patients with RD (HbA1c, 7.6% versus 7%; LDLc 148 mg/dl versus 136 mg/dl; percentage of obese, 27.2% versus 38.62%). A relationship between the lenght of evolution of diabetes and the deterioration of the control of blood glucose and of lipids was detected. Conclusion. DM2 and its associated risk factors are insufficiently controlled in our country. The drug combination and insulin are utilized scarcely.
diabetes mellitus type 2, Primary Care, cardiovascular risk factors, diabetes treatment


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